Why has the world forsaken you ?
Why won't She Love You? ..( Richards.. )
will help talk you off that ledge..
will help talk you off that ledge..
submit @VonDoomPhd
Just in time for the Rapture..
DEAR Doom: I’m a senior in high school and about to graduate. The week after graduation, one of my close friends is getting married. I have no qualms about the marriage, but I’m confused about the pre-wedding parties.
The bride and groom are registered at three stores and have had a Tupperware party already. However, I have received an invitation to a lingerie party to which guests have been instructed to bring the bride lingerie with gift receipts attached.
Am I wrong in thinking that buying intimate apparel is the responsibility of the couple? I plan to buy them a wedding gift from the registry, but I feel odd being asked to essentially contribute to their sex life. Abby, if I decline the invitation, what would be the proper way to do it? — Banging a Blender on Montana
DEAR Doom:My boyfriend and I went to a strip club together. It was my first time. He kept wanting to buy me a lap dance. I let him and it was ok, but he really got into it.
Then he had to get a lap dance from the same girl. Later that night, he wouldn't even look at me. He was staring at this waitress. The next day he told me that if I looked like that waitress, I would be even hotter.
I asked him if he wanted to be with a stripper more than me and he said no, but it is a sexual fantasy to be with both of us sexually. Should I worry?